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Corporate, LLC, LP Kits
Not for Profits
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Zephyr® for Not for Profits with Preprinted Minutes & Bylaws without Certificates
Our Price:
Luxuriously soft, foam-padded, leather-grained vinyl binder available in black or marbleized brown. Extra-thick binder board.
Spartan® for Not for Profits without Certificates
Our Price:
As the name implies, compact, attractive, efficient...and low cost. The Spartan is a good choice if you keep your kits in a file room and do not require a large capacity binder. If you are presenting the kit to your client or bringing it to the conference table, we recommend one of our better kits.
Zephyr® for Not for Profits with Preprinted Minutes & Bylaws, includes Membership Certificates
Our Price:
Luxuriously soft, foam-padded, leather-grained vinyl binder available in black or marbleized brown. Extra-thick binder board.
Zephyr® for Not for Profits with Blank Minute Paper without Certificates
Our Price:
Soft, foam-padded, leather-grained vinyl binder available in black or marbleized brown. Extra-thick binder board.
Zephyr® for Not for Profits with Blank Minute Paper inludes Membership Certificates
Our Price:
Luxuriously soft, foam-padded, leather-grained vinyl binder available in black or marbleized brown. Extra-thick binder board.
Spartan® for Not for Profits includes Membership Certificates
Our Price:
As the name implies, compact, attractive, efficient...and low cost. The Spartan is a good choice if you keep your kits in a file room and do not require a large capacity binder. If you are presenting the kit to your client or bringing it to the conference table, we recommend one of our better kits.
Legal Binders & Supplies
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